Voyager Fleet Card

Program Manual

Section 1 - Overview

The purpose of this manual is to provide essential Fleet Card Program policies and procedures which must be adhered to by all CSUDH employees who participate in the Voyager Fleet Card Program. These procedures will assist with establishing controls and guidance that will help to prevent abusive Fleet Card practices, including but not limited to fraud and waste. Voyager is a Fleet Fuel Card program administered by US Bank.  The Fleet Fuel Card is designed specifically for low volume fuel purchases, car washes, and emergency vehicle related services.

The Voyager Fleet Card is accepted at all major fuel vendors throughout California. Departments may use the Voyager Acceptance Locator to find locations that accept the Voyager Fleet Card.

Section 2 - How to Request a Voyager Fleet Card

The Voyager Fleet Card will be specifically assigned to a designated fleet vehicle and must remain and be used strictly for that vehicle. To obtain a Voyager Fleet Card, the department responsible for overseeing a fleet vehicle should complete a Voyager Fleet Card Request Form. The request form must be approved by the department head and submitted to the Fleet Card Campus Program Administrator,

For questions on how to complete the form please contact the Fleet Card Campus Administrator.

Upon receipt of the new Voyager Fleet Card, the department administrator will be required to adhere to and sign a Fleet Card Agreement, which states user responsibilities.

Section 3 - Department/Approver Responsibilities

The Approving Official is responsible for ensuring that campus vehicles and Voyager Fleet Cards are used for official campus business only. An Approving Official is defined as an employee with a classification of MPP, Department Head, Department Chair or Confidential Employee.

Approving Official accept responsibility for the protection and proper use of the Voyager Fleet Card and are liable for all charges made to the assigned card. In addition, the Approving Official is responsible for:

  1. Completely reviewing and adhering to the Voyager Fleet Card Program Manual.
  2. Ensuring all Voyager Fleet Card users adhere to the policies and procedures enclosed herein.
  3. Ensuring that all cards are kept in a secured location, such as a locked cabinet, at all times. Do not keep the cards in an unattended vehicle.
  4. Developing procedures for tracking who is using each card, and all purchases made with the Voyager Fleet Card.
  5. Ensuring the Vehicle Gas Form is completed each time the card will be used, refer to Forms Section for the Vehicle Gas Form.
  6. Ensuring the Voyager Fleet Card user(s) enter the vehicle's correct odometer reading when prompted at the gas pump.
  7. Ensuring user(s) fuel vehicles with regular unleaded gasoline, unless vehicle manufacturer requires an alternative type.
  8. Maintain all receipts for gasoline and authorized services. Photographed copies of receipts are acceptable for monthly reconciliations.
  9. Monitor card usage to ensure charges are accurate and appropriate by reviewing and certifying monthly activity and expenditure reports.
  10. Research and verify questionable and miscellaneous transactions.
  11. Reconcile monthly billing to actual usage of the Voyager Fleet Cards. See Reconciliation Section for details.
  12. Analyze and compare miles driven, tank capacity, and fuel purchases for potential misuse/abuse.
  13. Investigate all exceptions to validate if the card has been misused. It is the responsibility of the Approving Official to take appropriate action according to university policy.
  14. Safeguarding the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the card. Do no share with other users or document in any way that would compromise use of the card if it was lost/stolen.
  15. Report lost or stolen Voyager Cards immediately to US Bank Customer Service directly at (800) 987-6591, and the Fleet Card Campus Administrator as soon as possible.
  16. Ensuring adherence to daily and monthly limitations on each card – no more than three transactions each day with a limit of $1,000 each month. Transactions over this amount will be rejected.
Section 4 - Authorized and Prohibited Purchases

4.1 Authorized Purchases

The fleet gas card can be used in the following ways:

  1. Purchase of regular unleaded gasoline, unless alternate type is required by vehicle manufacturer.
  2. Emergency Services
    • 24-hour emergency roadside service
    • Services include mechanical first aid, battery service, tire change, fuel oil and water delivery, towing, jump start and lockout services.
  3. Two basic (less than $15.00) car washes per month.* 

*Exceptions are allowed where the size and/or attributes of the vehicle will result in a car wash that is more expensive. Additionally, in extreme cases where a detail may be required, please contact the Fleet Card Campus Administrator for prior approval.

Note: All non-emergency maintenance should be performed by Facilities Services Mechanic Shop or off-site vendor on contract.

4.2 Prohibited Purchases

The following items are prohibited and must not be purchased using the Voyager Fleet Card: 

  1. Mid-grade or premium (supreme) unleaded gasoline unless specifically required by the vehicle manufacturer
  2. Fuel for personal vehicles
  3. Commercial vehicle rentals
  4. Miscellaneous personal items such as food or sundries
  5. Non-fuel related commodities

4.3 Non-Compliance

A Fleet Fuel Card is a privilege that can be revoked in cases of non-compliance to established policies and procedures.

Section 5 - How to Use the Fleet Card

The Voyager Fleet Card can be used to purchase fuel and authorized services for designated University fleet vehicles. Voyager Fleet Cards are accepted at most major fuel vendors throughout California.

5.1 Program Control Measures

Program control measures require certain inputs from users when the card is being used. The following controls, separately, or in combination, will be encountered by the card user:

  1. Personal Identification Number (PIN) entry
  2. Odometer reading entry
  3. Daily transactional limits
  4. Monthly dollar limits

5.2 How to Use the Card at the Gas Pump

  1. If the gas station has readers located at the pump, you may use your Voyager Fleet Card at the pump. If there are no pump card readers, see the attendant inside to process your transaction.
  2. Swipe your card at the pump card reader, Select "Credit". If the pump card reader will not read the card, take the card inside to the attendant to process the transaction electronically. If the attendant questions the card, show this guide and ask the attendant to follow the instructions.
  3. The pump terminal will prompt you for the PIN.
  4. Enter the assigned number and press "Enter".
  5. If prompted, enter the odometer reading as a whole number. Always enter the correct odometer reading and press "Enter".
  6. Provide the receipt to the department liaison for review and in order to complete monthly reconciliation of purchases.
  7. If the attendant has any questions, present these instructions or ask them to call


Please note, some facilities do not accept cards electronically and have chosen to process transactions manually via phone or online using U.S. Bank Voyager TeleTrans. If this occurs please contact TeleTrans.

Section 6 - Reconciliation
  1. Accounts Payable Technician shall review and process the statement in a timely basis. The billing cycle ends on the 24th of each month.
  2. An auditing process is in place for the review of transactions to prevent theft, abuse, and fraud in connection with Fleet Card use.
  3. If an unauthorized purchase is suspected, the Fleet Card Campus Administrator will determine whether the amount is incorrect or whether the amount constitutes an unauthorized purchase. If the amount is incorrect, it will be disputed.
  4. The Accounts Payable Technician will submit the current statement to each Approving Official. The statement and related Vehicle Gas Forms with receipts will be sent to the Accounts Payable Department ( with an approval signature within 10 calendar days after the invoice is submitted to the department. Accounts Payable Technician will notify department of any missing documents.
  5. Approving Official shall ensure the reconciliation statement includes the following:
    • Statement
    • Transaction Detailed and Summary Report (see Sample template in the Forms Section)
    • Vehicle Gas Forms (see Sample template in the Forms Section)
    • Receipts
  6. If the statement and backup is not received by Accounts Payable within the 10 calendar day deadline, it will be reported to the Fleet Card Campus Administrator for appropriate action. Voyager Fleet Card charges will be posted to the department chartfields currently on file. It is the department’s responsibility to submit an Expenditure Transfer Form if charges are posted to incorrect chartfield.

If there is an error on the invoice, Voyager has dedicated Operations Account Representatives to answer billing inquiries and can be reached at (800) 987-6591 available from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (CST).

Section 7 - Lost, Damaged, and/or Stolen Cards

In the event the card is lost or stolen it should be immediately reported to USBank Voyager at 800-987-6591, and the Fleet Card Campus Program Administrator at 310-243-3247,

If the card needs to be replaced because it’s damaged or worn, the cardholders should mail the Fleet Card Campus Program Administrator to request a replacement and return the old card.

Department should store the card in a secure location where the card is not exposed to elements that might damage the magnetic strip located on the back of the card.

Section 8 - Fraud and Disputes

8.1 Fraud

Preventing fraud is important to any fleet program. Cardholders shall follow the following guidelines when using fleet cards:

  1. Store the card in a secure location and never leave it out in the open
  2. Keep PIN information in a separate place from the card
  3. Do not share the card or PIN with anyone not authorized to use the card
  4. Report lost or stolen cards immediately
  5. Contact the US Bank Voyager and the Fleet Card Campus Administrator immediately to report any questionable transactions
  6. Do not use fuel pumps that do not look right. Go to a different pump or pay inside
  7. Watch your card while out of your possession and ensure that it is returned immediately after an in-store transaction is completed

To report a lost or stolen card or suspected fraud, contact the Fleet Card Campus Administrator and call US Bank Fleet Customer Service 24/7 at 800.987.6591.

8.2 Disputes

Disputed charge(s) are amounts the cardholder believes to be incorrect or where goods and/or services were not authorized. If a disputed charge is identified, the cardholder is required to contact the merchant for a dispute resolution of the charge. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to monitor and continue the dispute resolution process until the appropriate credit is received.  

In both dispute and fraud instances, the Fleet Card Campus Administrator must be notified as soon as the charges are discovered. Please contact the Fleet Card Campus Administrator with any questions. 

Section 9 - Contact Reference Guide

Fleet Card Campus Administrator

Maria Hernandez
Welch Hall B485

Accounts Payable Technician

Iris Talactac

Customer Service


24-Hour Roadside Assistance “Fleet Assistance”


Fraud Prevention Line


U.S. Bank Voyager TeleTrans


Section 10 - FAQ
  1. Why does my U.S. Bank Voyager card not work at all terminals?
    • As more gas pumps are being updated to accept EMV chip cards ahead of the April 17, 2021 liability shift, you may have varying card usage experiences at different fueling locations, even within the same brand. Some will be chip-enabled and others will still rely on magnetic stripes. You should continue to follow pump prompts to begin and complete your fuel purchases.
  2. How long do I need to be prepared for varying user experiences when purchasing fuel?
    • Experiences may continue to vary from location to location until all pumps are fully enabled to accept EMV chip cards. Due to the cost and complexity of changing automatic fuel dispensers, all locations will not be enabled by April 17, 2021.
  3. What should I do if my card is restricted to pay-at-pump transactions and I can’t complete my fuel purchase at the pump?
    • You may not be able to purchase fuel at these locations; however, you may want to check inside the store with a cashier. You may also contact Voyager Customer Service at 800.987.6591 for assistance in finding another location nearby or planning routes with accepting locations prior to departures.
  4. What should I do if my transaction is cancelled and I cannot pay at the pump?
    • We apologize for the inconvenience. If your purchase is cancelled, please either try to complete it in the station or contact Voyager Customer Service for assistance at 800.987.6591.
  5. What can fleets do to ensure drivers are not stranded?
    • Voyager makes every effort to not leave drivers stranded. We recommend that you refuel before your tank gets too low and identify a few fueling options. Contact Voyager Customer Service 24/7 at 800.987.6591 for assistance with finding accepting locations, planning routes prior to departures and any other fleet-related needs.

Policy Implementation Date: Sep 24, 2021
Latest Policy Revision Date: Dec 2, 2022
Policy Owner: Procurement & Contracts, Division of Administration & Finance